Ahern Communications, Ink

Listen in as some of fundraising's freshest thinkers take on some of the sector's toughest topics — the things that should be top of mind in the new year.
Donors want newsletters. Research has told us so. But most donor newsletters go unread. In last month’s Forum For Fundraising webinar on creating highly profitable donor newsletters, Tom Ahern, principal at Ahern | Communications | Ink, explained the disconnect and the reader psychology behind it, told attendees how to speak to donors' personalities, and shared some key secrets behind great donor newsletters.
One of the main ingredients of a donor newsletter is, well, news. But your newsletter shouldn’t read like a local newspaper rife with lofty objectivism; it should be personal, conversational and intimate -- a lot like good direct mail, says Tom Ahern, ABC, of Ahern Communications Ink. Donors are interested in reading about three basic things: accomplishments (What did you do with my money?); vision (What could you do with my money?); and recognition (I want to be thanked for contributing my money.). In his session here yesterday, Ahern outlined six of the most common flaws ailing donor newsletters: 1. No news is NOT