Strategic Planning

Find the Right Board Giving Goal for Your Capital Campaign
May 30, 2017 at 11:53 am

What percentage of your campaign goal should your board members give to your capital campaign? Twenty-five percent? Forty percent? Ten percent? Again and again, I’ve seen board members stumble over this question. They want to do what’s right; but really, they have no idea what’s appropriate or more importantly, what’s possible...

The Case of the Bloated Caseload
May 30, 2017 at 11:41 am

My question for you is this: What is the size of your caseload? If it’s above 150, it’s way to high. So, take steps to trim it down. It may feel counterintuitive, but if you focus on fewer good donors and go deep with them your result will be much better on several levels—relationally for the donor and for you and economically for the organization...

Running Down a Dream
May 26, 2017 at 10:21 am

Start today to position yourself for future positions by acquiring proper and needed attributes. Prepare yourself properly for the complex nonprofit future and never stop running down a dream! Do not wait for the dream that “might” come to you. Be proactive and go for it!...

Advancing the Nonprofit Landscape: Part 1
May 25, 2017 at 11:29 am

Use of the Internet to fundraise was launched in the late 1990s, and through a process of trial and error, nonprofit organizations have slowly been able to build donor’s confidence in the technology and grow their online database for giving...

Is Your Measurement Missing the Mark?
May 25, 2017 at 10:22 am

The right attribution for your organization opens a new world of more effective spending. The right attribution enables you to raise more money or give money back to the organization to spend on its important mission...

How to Tell If It’s Time to Hire an Executive Director
May 25, 2017 at 9:47 am

Your nonprofit has served its mission statement well. So well in fact, that the directory of volunteers has grown from a half-page to just over three pages. Since those first meetings in a living room more than a decade ago, the nonprofit now has a conference room in a rented office. No more garage storage…

Rise of the Donor-Advised Fund: A Fast-Growing Vehicle to Charitable Giving
May 25, 2017 at 9:41 am

In our sector, we are constantly faced with obstacles of how we can increase charitable giving; but more particularly, how can we get our donors to continue to give over the years. A donor-advised fund is an account sponsored by a nonprofit organization that enables donors to give to charities and receive tax benefits—essentially a charitable savings account…

Don’t Shortchange Your Philanthropic Potential
May 24, 2017 at 7:43 am

Build a culture of philanthropy. Challenge your board and staff to embrace a donor-focused, relational approach. Invest in your board and staff and build a development program that is built to last—through leadership transitions and that grows stronger and stronger with the success and capacity-building of each campaign...

Is a Great Website a Worthwhile Investment?
May 23, 2017 at 11:31 am

Do you think your digital presence is vital? Most of your potential donors, employees, volunteers and people who need what your organization offers will find you through your website. As a specialist in the nonprofit digital marketing field, one of the biggest issues I face with clients is their website...