
General Mills announced the launch of Partners in Food Solutions as a hunger-fighting nonprofit bringing food production and food processing expertise to small and medium-sized food processors in African nations.
ConAgra Foods, whose social cause is ending child hunger, is taking a new approach to raise the issue’s visibility. The company is starting its largest campaign ever, including a television special, to spur more grassroots involvement to make sure no child goes hungry.
ConAgra financed a 30-minute program to tell the stories of American families who, each day, face the question of whether they will have enough to eat. One 8-year-old boy says, “I eat less so my sisters can have another meal.”
"CARE" packages spawned a nonprofit group, the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, now known as CARE.
The organization later dispensed with the packages, instead focusing on large development projects and disaster relief operations, and the term “care package” entered the vernacular.
CARE is staking a claim to it again, this time with a 21st-century twist. On Wednesday, the charity is officially offering the packages via a Web site, CAREPackage.org.
A Sacramento nonprofit will receive close to $100,000 to fight hunger, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday.
Community Services Planning Council will receive $99,396 to survey low-income residents to determine the causes, consequences and extent of hunger in Sacramento County – and then develop a plan to try to eliminate hunger in the county.
The USDA is investing $4.98 million in grants to 14 communities in eight states to end hunger and improve the nutrition of low-income Americans.
Spent, an interactive online game developed by the social-service organization Urban Ministries of Durham and North Carolina ad agency McKinney, which donated its services, is an online interactive game that educates people about poverty and homelessness. Players navigate the game by making decisions that could severely affect their health, finances,children’s well-being and work life. The goal is to show the choices a needy person must make every month. At the end of the game, people are asked to donate, volunteer or play again.
If there are any bright spots to be found in the Great Recession, one may be the way organizations have changed to meet the soaring demand from people in need.
Consider the Hunger SWAT Team – an informal coalition of 14 community-based, emergency service nonprofit organizations that, over the course of two years, have found new ways to work in the community and with each other, to the benefit of their clients and their own organizational health.
A partnership between Delivery.com, an online service for food and other supplies, and City Harvest, an antihunger organization in New York, is allowing people to make gifts that help feed more than 300,000 people each week.
Delivery.com customers have two ways to support City Harvest: They can donate “points” — Delivery.com customers receive 25 points per $1: A typical exchange is 10,000 points for $5 worth of donations. Or anybody — not just customers — can give by ordering from City Harvest’s Delivery.com “menu” page.
BENTONVILLE, Ark., Jan. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- As hunger relief organizations continue to look for new ways to serve an increasing number of U.S. families who need help putting food on their dinner tables, the Walmart Foundation today announced a $2 million donation to help food banks save money on their energy bills. With this funding, 16 food banks will become more energy efficient through simple and relatively low-cost upgrades to lighting, refrigeration or heating and air conditioning equipment that performs better, uses less energy and costs less to operate. "These grants underscore Walmart's commitment to lead on both
The Hollywood Panera Bread in Northeast Portland will open Sunday as the company's third "pay-as-you-can" nonprofit cafe in the nation, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.
When the cafe reopens Jan. 16, it will be run by the non-profit Panera Bread Foundation and will be renamed a "Panera Cares Community Cafe." The new restaurant will not feature menu prices or cash registers but "suggested" donation prices and donation bins instead.
In a statement issued on Sunday, U.S. Navy Capt. Mark Kelly thanked the public for its support and mourned the loss of the six people who had died. He asked that people who wanted to help to consider making donations to two Tucscon charities: Tucson’s Community Food Bank and the American Red Cross.
The effect of his request was immediate. The food bank received more than $5,000 in Internet contributions in 15 minutes.