Boards and Volunteers

3 Keys to Nonprofit Board Success
July 9, 2014

You usually get the board you deserve. Be sure that your board is invested, educated and nurtured. Make the board a priority, and it will do the same with your organization.

What Is Wrong With This Picture?
June 27, 2014

We all make mistakes on a daily basis. The key is knowing when you fail and taking steps not to make the mistake a second time.

Seize the Fundraising Opportunity!
May 28, 2014

Fundraising is a complicated arena because it requires multiple relationships, balancing priorities. But sometimes — like retaining donors — we miss the opportunities right at our feet.

Don't Let New Nonprofit CEOs Stumble in the Honeymoon Stage
May 7, 2014

The honeymoon period for nonprofit CEOs should be magical. It is the best opportunity for them to define themselves, including their vision and values, and paint a bright big picture that board members and other donors can embrace.