
There has been rising dissent from fundraisers about charity watchdog ratings, and it appears Charity Navigator is taking steps to address some of fundraisers' concerns.
Here are the final 25 of 50 more social media tactics for nonprofits shared at the Blackbaud 2010 Conference for Nonprofits.
These five common online fundraising themes prevailed at the ArtezInterAction Conference.
As fundraisers, it's not only your duty to ask. It's your duty to give, too. Practice what you preach. Because if you don't make the effort to give to others, why would others bother to give to you?
How does Generation Y choose to give, and in what ways? One example of a Generation Y stereotype-busting, charitably conscious individual is Carlo Garcia, an actor and producing director for Chicago’s Mary-Arrchie Theatre Co.
So with all these great, new outreach and engagement tools at its disposal, how can your organization harness this still-new medium to empower constituents on your behalf? There are many strategies and initiatives already playing out all over the fundraising sector — with plenty more new and unforeseen ideas still to come. Here, FundRaising Success highlights some creative and successful ways organizations are using social media to raise awareness and funds.
It's not new, but the book "What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting" by Ted Demopolous is certainly worth a look by anyone who blogs. It's full of practical and immediately actionable information that will make your blog better. For example, it lists the three biggest mistakes bloggers make as:
According to a survey ASI conducted around nonprofits’ IT challenges and opportunities in 2010, organizations have faith in social media. And for many, it is faith — that is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” — as opposed to experience.
These days, savvy fundraisers are looking for every possible opportunity to connect with donors and raise money. Web-based tools and social media offer possibilities that we’ve never had before. Blogs have been around for a while, mostly used in journalism and other fields. Now, blogs are being used for advocacy, awareness and even fundraising.
Have you seen our new Web site? Check it out at fundraisingsuccessmag.com. And while you're there, take a look at the Outrageous Hope blog! If you like what you see, sign up for an RSS feed, leave a comment, drop us a line. If you don't, then let us know that too!