Rick Gentry

Rick Gentry

Rick Gentry is director of customer strategy at Merkle

What Does Integration Mean Anyway?

It’s rare to have a conversation with a fundraising professional today where the term “integration” isn’t interjected at least once.

Feast and Famine: A View of 2018 Year-End and Beyond

There were 35 days between Giving Tuesday and New Year’s Eve last year. No doubt, these were some of the most stressful days of the year for nonprofit fundraising teams, with anything from 30 to 50 percent of annual revenue riding on such a relatively short period of time...

Donor Journey Disrupters—Facebook, Amazon, Google and More

At a time when many are warning of a shrinking donor universe, many fundraisers are focused on the importance of an effective donor journey. At the heart of building more successful long-term relationships with supporters is the marketer’s ability to make decisions about key considerations.

Facebook Stumbles, But Doesn’t Fall

As Facebook has become increasingly embedded in the lives of millions around the world, its importance has also grown for nonprofit organizations as a vital channel for engaging with existing and potentially new supporters and donors...