Today's Featured Blog Posts
Generosity Day is next Tuesday
"I can hear the quiet whirr in the background — an email here, a tweet there, a stolen conversation in the hallway. Folks are getting revved up for Generosity Day next Tuesday, February 14th. Could we really break through this year and get millions of people involved? Imagine the power of masses of people spending one day being generous, saying YES to all requests that come their way." Click here to read the full post.
7 Sponsorship Practices that should be Hit by a Meteor — Part 1
"Gold, silver, bronze (platinum, diamond, ruby, emerald, tin, plasticine …): Sponsors hate these proposals. You know the ones: A set compliment of benefits for a set price in each category, usually named after some precious metal or gem. Seriously, they hate them." Click here to read the full post.