Links to Blog Posts You Should Read!
The Case for Humanizing Business
"Social media took our expectations about organizational success, impact, and metrics and blew them out of the water. But it's not just the growth and the numbers that are important here. It's not about followers and likes and now (perhaps) plus-ones. What is important is the way that social media achieved its phenomenal success. Social media has succeeded by being more human." Click here to read the full post.
On Death, Mortality and Marketing
"I think it's also wise to contemplate our own mortality as marketers. We can't forget that everyone has many options for how to spend the precious time we are given in this short life. Therefore we should feel an obligation to provide a very good case for why they should devote some of their life to what we're asking. If we can't make that case competently and convincingly from their point of view, then we should leave people alone." Click here to read the full post.