Web Watch: Anxiety-Free Interaction

Those of us over the age of 14 with busy lives are, perhaps, just catching up with the latest in user-based interactive Web sites. Sites like Wikipedia, MySpace and YouTube rely on heavy traffic and participation from Web visitors to generate fresh, meaningful content every day.
While many of us can throw around the term Web 2.0 at an AFP event or two, the nonprofit sector is still, by and large, figuring out what these sites have to teach us, and not only how we can afford them, but also how we can take advantage of the opportunities they might provide for both fundraisers and program departments.
- Companies:
- Big Duck Studio

Sarah Durham is president of Big Duck, a New York City-based branding, marketing and fundraising firm for nonprofits. She serves on the boards of the National Brain Tumor Society and the New York Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).