Major Gifts

The Art and Science of the Ask
June 1, 2015

How much effort and time do you really put into making a major gift ask to a donor? Here are some things to think about in preparation for the ask that you might find helpful as you review your strategic plan and get ready to talk to your donors.

Influencing the Influencers
May 13, 2015

Some donors make gift decisions themselves and some make them involving their family. Some involve advisors and friends. So know who those advisors are—attorneys, accountants and others who are in a position to influence the gift.

Six Reasons For Major Gift Officer Failure
May 11, 2015

Often, the reason a MGO fails is not because of the organization or because he or she does not have the talent or ability. It is simply that he or she is not doing the job properly. It basically is summed up in one or more of the following six reasons.

How to Listen to Your Major Donor
April 27, 2015

The most common reason MGOs fail at their jobs is that they do not listen to their donor, who is not only telling them all types of ways they prefer to be "managed" but also giving regular clues on what they do not like. Here are some practical ways to listen better.

The Meaning of 'No'
April 13, 2015

The work of a major gifts officer (MGO) is filled with "no's." That's the nature of the job. And I find that hundreds of good MGOs are debilitated by the word, and it renders them ineffective and deflated.

We All Need a Confidant at Work
April 6, 2015

While it is rare, Richard and I have found some of the best MGOs and managers are ones who collaborate, who go out of their way to seek counsel and have real confidants at work.

When You Can't Give It Away
April 2, 2015

Being responsive and accountable to the donors who invest in your organization is fast becoming the single most important factor in fundraising success. Neglect it at your peril.

Make The Nonprofit Program Person Your Best Friend
March 30, 2015

Without a close and cooperative relationship with your nonprofit organization's program person you, as a major gifts officer, cannot succeed. Program holds the key to information that is critical to the offers you construct for your donor.