Miriam Kagan

Miriam Kagan
A Fundraising Organization SWOT Analysis for 2014

A new year is a good time for organizational resolutions. Many successful nonprofit organizations perform a SWOT analysis and organize their thoughts in four key areas: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

2 New Must-Do Steps for Taking Your Fundraising to the Next Level

Along with the five steps recommended in 2010, now there are two more that nonprofits should add to the list: optimization of online fundraising and adoption of an omnichannel fundraising strategy. Yes, it’s more to do, but the return on investment will be high while the cost of ignoring these steps will be even higher.

Optimize, Test, Repeat

Faced with high attrition rates, rising acquisition costs and increased competition for the donor dollar, today’s nonprofits must do everything they can to recruit new, high-lifetime-value online supporters and benefit from the positive impact that this has on both online and offline giving. Establish a goal for your donation page, and make sure all aspects of it (content, navigation, etc.) support that goal. As much as possible, get rid of anything that creates friction and is likely to run off potential donors. With easy-to-use tools, continually measure the performance of the page and make adjustments to optimize donor engagement and giving.